Days of Computer Science Held at HSE University
Every spring, HSE University’s Faculty of Computer Science, which this year turns nine years old, traditionally opens its doors and invites everyone to a festival. This time, more than 20 events with over 2,000 registered participants were held between April 8th and 16th as part of the Days of Computer Science.
Data Science Hackathon
The festival opened with a hackathon from the FCS Hackathon Club and HSE Artificial Intelligence Centre. Students of HSE and other universities took part in the competition. The event also featured lectures and pizza breaks, and the winners received prizes from the FCS and Yandex.

Brunch with Scientists
An informal meeting took place at the BRUXX restaurant where participants discussed topics related to artificial intelligence. Alexey Naumov, Head of the HDI Lab, explained to the audience what we mean when we talk about AI ‘insides’. Albert Efimov, PhD, Vice President and Director of the Research and Innovation Department at SBER, Chair of Department of Engineering Cybernetics at MISIS, spoke on technological progress, comparing human learning and machine learning models. At the end of the brunch Alexey Masyutin, Head of the Joint Department with Sberbank ‘Financial Technologies and Data Analysis’, and Evgeny Sokolov, Academic Supervisor of the programme in Applied Mathematics and Information Science held a discussion. The conversation was about the education of future developers and what the university can offer for research today.
‘Not a Word about IT!’
At this meeting, which was held for staff and students of the faculty, speakers were not allowed to talk about technology, work and research. They instead spoke about their hobbies and shared life stories, so that the audience focused on marathons, space, cinema and theatre practices.

Mathematical Blitz
The ‘ten-minute reports’ by the faculty staff took three hours. Each participant presented the results they had achieved to a wider mathematical audience. Along with professional mathematicians, students were actively engaged as listeners in the blitz.
IT: Train or Hire?
This conference, organised by the FCS Continuing Education Centre, was held at the HSE Cultural Centre. The main topics included corporate training, online education, HR branding and recruiting.

IT-Girls’ Party by FCS and Yandex
IT-Girls’ Party held at Yandex, was dedicated to the exchange of experience between established representatives from the IT and STEM industry and newbie specialists. Applicants and students learnt first-hand about the specifics of building a career in IT for women, how to remove mathematical anxiety, how not to be afraid to move to leadership and what inclusion in IT really means.
FCS Lectures
Lectures by experts from the Faculty of Computer Science and its partners on the use of artificial intelligence in science were organised in the Library of Foreign Literature. The speakers talked about the use of the latest information processing methods, as well as the use of AI in various fields — from medicine to art.
FCS Applicant’s Day
The festival ended with a large-scale celebration for potential students of the Faculty of Computer Science. On April 16th, they learnt about the faculty, listened to popular science lectures, and took part in masterclasses of the CStati student organisation. School students also took part in an ideaton and a mathematical olympiad.
The Days of Computer Science also featured lectures on IT, a meeting of the Tinkoff Lab, a colloquium, SBER lectures, a meeting of graduates and the awarding of a scholarship named after Ilya Segalovich. More information about these events is available on the website of the Faculty of Computer Science.
Ivan Arzhantsev, Dean of the Faculty of Computer Science

'The ‘Days of Computer Science’ event is a great way to celebrate the faculty’s birthday. We always welcome those who decided to join the world of IT for the first time and come, for example, to a popular science lecture, and professionals who attend more specialised events. I would like to thank our partners, first of all, Yandex, the co-organiser of the festival. I am sure that over the next year we will work on a lot of positive and useful things and by the upcoming 10th anniversary, the FCS will have further strengthened its position as Russia's leading faculty in the field of computer science and information technology.'
See also:
HSE Team Takes First Place in RuCode Algorithmic Programming Championship
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HSE Teachers Awarded Yandex ML Prize
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Researchers at HSE in St Petersburg Develop Superior Machine Learning Model for Determining Text Topics
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HSE and Yandex to Expand Collaboration in Training AI Specialists
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Two HSE Researchers Receive Yandex ML Prize
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Light Breezes Improve Moods of Social Media Users
Sergey Smetanin, Research Fellow of the HSE Graduate School of Business, conducted a large-scale analysis to examine the impact of weather conditions on the sentiments expressed by users of the Odnoklassniki (OK) social network. The findings have been published in PeerJ Computer Science. This is the first study of its kind in Russia.
Three HSE Researchers Receive Ilya Segalovich Award
Three researchers of the HSE Faculty of Computer Science are among the winners of the 2022 Ilya Segalovich Award: Research Professor Dmitry Vetrov, Associate Professor Alexey Naumov and doctoral student Sergey Samsonov. The award, established by Yandex in 2019, is aimed at supporting young researchers and the scientific community in the field of IT in Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan.
‘Computer Methods of Cognitome Analysis’ Conference to Explore New Perspectives on Memory and Consciousness
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HSE University Maintains Positions in Two THE Subject Rankings
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'Programming Is an Ideal Profession and There’s No Better Time for It Than Now’
Ernest Sadykov, a graduate of the HSE Faculty of Computer Science (FCS), works as a software engineer at Facebook. In this interview, he tells Success Builder how an extrovert can be a 'techie', why companies have trouble finding IT specialists and what Facebook’s philosophy is.