‘Philosophy Is a Form of Rational Activity’
Viktor Gorbatov, Senior Lecturer at the Faculty of Philosophy Department of Ontology, Logics and Theory of Knowledge, is, according to the students of the Faculties of Economics and Psychology, one of the best teachers who conducts seminars. In an interview he gave to the HSE News Service he spoke about the role of philosophy in modern life.
'Forget Reform, We Need to Examine the Life We Have'
The Head of the Department for Local Administration at the HSE Faculty of Public Administration, Simon Kordonsky, Candidate of Philosophy, is one of the most original researchers studying Russian society. Students and graduates of “Vyshka” have voted him onto the list of Outstanding Teacher at the HSE for the second year in a row.
Always in Dialogue
Professor of the Department of Higher Mathematics at the HSE Faculty of Economics, Alexander Belenky was acknowledged in 2012 to be one of the best teachers at the university.
Math in Moscow
For the second year running Igor Artamkin, tenured professor, deputy head of the Faculty of Mathematics at HSE, has been named 'Best Teacher of the University'.
Baltic Practice 2012
The HSE’s Baltic Practice Summer School has just finished in Klaipeda and Kaunas. Once again, the school was run in conjunction with Vytautas Magnus University (Lithuania).
Changing Europe Summer School: the Advantages of Interdisciplinary Approach
The 7th International ‘Changing Europe’ Summer School took place at the start of August in Moscow. The event was organized by the Higher School of Economics and the University of Bremen Research Centre for East European Studies.
School of Cross-Cultural Management
‘Management in Developing Markets: Trends and Strategies’ was the topic of an international summer school which took place at the HSE Faculty of Management. Irina Volkova, organizer of the school and professor at the HSE Department of General and Strategic Management, told us about the event.
LCSR Summer School 2012: Results and Plans
The HSE Laboratory for Comparative Social Research summer school on ‘Causal models and structural equations’ has just finished in Zelenogorsk. The Laboratory director, Eduard Ponarin, shared his impressions about the school and told us about the LCSR’s plans for developing the school...
Summer School on Cyber Law
From July 2nd – 7th 2012, an international summer school on cyber law took place in Moscow region. The event was organized by the HSE Research and Educational Laboratory on Information Law. Irina Bogdanovskaya, Professor at the HSE Department of the Theory of Law and Comparative Law, told us about the School.
Russian Summer School on Institutional Analysis 2012 – an Afterword
The 6th Russian Summer School on Institutional Analysis (RSSIA 2012) took place in Moscow region from July 5th – 11th 2012. Here, some of the participants share their impressions of the event.
Deadline for applications to present academic reports - January 20, 2025