HSE Student Among Winners of First Stage of City Improvement Competition
On January 30, the winners of the first stage of the City Improvement Competition were announced.One of the winners is Evgeny Shvirkov, a first-year student of the Bachelor’s in Public Administration at HSE University. Evgeny presented a project entitled ‘The Development and Improvement of the Availability of Healthcare as a Factor Improving the Quality of Russian Urban Life’. The competition was organised by VEB.RF and VK, and its academic partner was the HSE Faculty of Economic Sciences.

'An Entrepreneur Has to Be Passionate About Their Business'
The results of the Russian part of the Global University Entrepreneurial Spirit Students' Survey (GUESSS 2021) have been published. It found that Russian students show interest in entrepreneurship more often and think about starting their own business five years after graduation. Galina Shirokova, Professor at the School of Economics and Management, Director of the Centre for Strategic Entrepreneurship, told us about other trends in the sphere of entrepreneurship.

‘HSE Has Made Me Confident and Brave’
Enrolment in undergraduate programmes is underway. International recipients of the Russian Government Scholarship can study at HSE University for free and get a place at an HSE dorm. Senanu Dekpo-Adza from Ghana and Hamisha Rijal from Nepal study at HSE University as part of the scholarship programme. They shared their experiences of admission and studies at HSE University with the HSE News Service.

Majority of Russian IT Specialists Do Not Plan to Relocate
Despite sanctions pressure and the departure of numerous international companies, Russian IT workers take an optimistic view of the development prospects of the domestic IT industry.
‘If We Aren’t Immersed in Research from a Young Age, It Is Harder to Catch Up’
On February 1, the HSE Cultural Centre hosted an award ceremony for the winners and laureates of the 2022 Student Research Paper Competition. Participants included students and graduates of HSE University and other universities. The ceremony closed with a ‘Science Battles’ event.

HSE University-St Petersburg Opens Master's Programme in International Business in APR Countries
2023 will see the first intake for the Master's programme 'International Business in the Asia-Pacific Region'. The HSE News Service talked to Liudmila Veselova, Academic Supervisor of the programme, about the opportunities available to students of the programme, as well as the reasons why the English language and a mathematical mindset are important for success in studies.

‘Being a Person Means Having a Personal Story to Tell’
The new online course 'Tell Me a Story: Storytelling for Russian Language Learners' has started on HSE's National Open Education Platform. The course author, Ksenia Demeneva, Associate Professor of the School of Literature and Intercultural Communication at the Faculty of Humanities at HSE University-Nizhny Novgorod, discusses how to capture your audience's attention and make you story unforgettable.

Basic, General, and Home-based: Why Families Choose to Homeschool and What Challenges They Face in Doing So
There are many reasons why families choose to homeschool their children, from wishing to personalise their education to protecting them from bullying to strengthening the family bond. Those who decide to switch to homeschooling can face quite a few challenges, both logistical and psychological, including criticism from family members. IQ.HSE presents a few facts on homeschooling in Russia based on a paper by researchers of the HSE Institute of Education.

Kamchatka: Your Amazing Adventure
The photo exhibition ‘Kamchatka: Your Amazing Adventure’ was officially opened as part of the Days of Kamchatka event held by HSE University in the building on Pokrovsky Boulevard from January 19 to February 10. Visitors will learn about life in the region through photos of the unique landscapes and wildlife sanctuaries of the peninsula, the traditional Beringia dog-sled race, and the main symbols of the Kamchatka Region—brown bears, Pacific salmon, and wild reindeer.

‘Earth Is Our Only Home; We Must Preserve It’
The Green HSE student organisation recently held the ‘Green Conversation’ festival at the Cultural Centre on Pokrovsky Bulvar. At the event, participants discussed the planet’s main ecological problems and the steps required to start building a green future today.