The Desire to Confirm One’s Point of View Contributes to Trust in Fakes, Even Among Professional Journalists
Kirill Bryanov and Victoria Vzyatysheva, researchers at the HSE Laboratory for Social and Cognitive Informatics in St. Petersburg, studied factors that influence people’s perceptions of fakes, as well as their ability to distinguish false information from reliable.

Researchers Present an Outlook for the Russian Arctic
The Russian Arctic should be better connected – economically and logistically – to the country's other regions, according to researchers of the HSE Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs. If Arctic projects are to develop further, they must be supported by stronger horizontal connections involving regional authorities, civil society organisations, the expert community, and the indigenous peoples of the North. The study is published in Regional Research of Russia.

Helping the Homeless with AI Technology
A research team from the HSE University Artificial Intelligence Centre led by Ivan Yamshchikov has developed a model to predict the success of efforts to rehabilitate homeless people. The model can predict the effectiveness of the work of organisations for the homeless with about 80% accuracy. The project was presented at a conference dedicated to the activities of social centres.

Ibero-America and Russia: New Opportunities for Cooperation
Russia’s relations with Ibero-America go back more than five centuries and include more than 200 years of permanent diplomatic relations. The need to build a multipolar world and expand cooperation between Russia and the countries of Latin America—including in the field of science and education—was discussed at the Third International Ibero-America and Russia: Diplomacy and Diplomats Conference held at HSE University.

Pivot to the East: A Comprehensive Study of the Cultural and Civilisational Centres of the Non-Western World is the Top Priority
China and the Chinese world, South Asia, Southeast Asia, the Arab countries, Iran, Turkey, Central Asia and Africa are gaining new significance in Russia’s foreign policy. However, we do not know enough about the Eastern countries. It is necessary to change the priorities in education, starting from grammar school. Prospects for the development of domestic Oriental studies in the context of the new stage in the development of the system of international relations were discussed at a round table at HSE University.

Research Determines Best Locations for Organic Dairy Farming in Russia
Russia has recently launched an organic farming initiative; a new Law on Organic Products came into effect in the early 2020. An important first step in assessing the potential for this subsector has been to identify the most suitable locations for its development. According to researchers of the HSE Institute for Agrarian Studies and the RAS Institute of Agrarian Economics and Rural Development, provinces located in the country’s northern non-black earth areas – in the Northwest and in the Northeast of Russia’s European region – have the best potential. The study is published in Agriculture Digitalization and Organic Production.

‘I Want to See Studies Emanating from Africa Contributing Substantially to Cognitive Science’
Abdul-Raheem Mohammed from Ghana has recently defended a PhD dissertation in cognitive psychology at HSE University via remote procedure. Abdul-Raheem and his academic supervisor, Dmitry Lyusin, talked to the HSE News Service about their cooperation, the advantages and complications of remote PhD defence at HSE University, and the prospects of cognitive science in African countries.

HSE Neural Interface Technology to Be Introduced in Hospitals
The Federal Brain and Neural Technology Centre at the Federal Medical and Biological Agency is launching the Laboratory of Medical Neural Interfaces and Artificial Intelligence for Clinical Applications, which has been created by employees of HSE University. Read below to find out about the Laboratory and its objectives.

Representatives of More than 30 Countries Took Part in the XXIII Yasin International Academic Conference
The XXIII Yasin (April) International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development has come to a close at HSE University. In 2022, more than 3,000 participants took part in the event, including 250 registered foreign representatives—almost 10% more than last year.

Robot Rights and Talking Babies: Discussions at HSE Science Battles
Four young scientists competed in the second semi-final of the fifth season of HSE University Science Battles, which was held at HSE Cultural Centre. What tasks lead students to cheat on exams, how babies learn to talk, whether artificial intelligence is subject to copyright, how to deal with false modesty — each researcher presented their work while the audience and the jury chose a winner to compete for the main prize of the season — an academic travel grant.