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Illustration for news: Guaranteed Income: Dependence or a Chance to Escape Poverty?

Guaranteed Income: Dependence or a Chance to Escape Poverty?

Many national governments have responded to the sharp rise in poverty during the pandemic with new social support programmes, including direct cash payments. During a joint seminar between the HSE Institute for Social Policy and the World Bank held as part of work conducted by the Human Capital Multidisciplinary Research Centre,experts discussed approaches that have been implemented abroad and the prospects of a minimum guaranteed income in Russia.

Illustration for news: Group Testing Method Developed for COVID-19

Group Testing Method Developed for COVID-19

Researchers Mario Guarracino from the HSE Laboratory of Algorithms and Technologies for Networks Analysis in Nizhny Novgorod and Julius Žilinskas and Algirdas Lančinskas from Vilnius University, have proposed a new method of testing for COVID-19. This group method allows results to be obtained 13 times faster as compared to individual testing of each sample. The research paper was published in the journal Scientific Reports.

Illustration for news: Artificial Neurons Help Decode Cortical Signals

Artificial Neurons Help Decode Cortical Signals

Russian scientists have proposed a new algorithm for automatic decoding and interpreting the decoder weights, which can be used both in brain-computer interfaces and in fundamental research. The results ofthe study were published in the Journal of Neural Engineering.

Illustration for news: 3D-Modelling Helps Read Ancient Russian Inscriptions of the 12th and 13th Centuries

3D-Modelling Helps Read Ancient Russian Inscriptions of the 12th and 13th Centuries

Using 3D-modelling, researchers of HSE and the Institute of Slavic Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS) have restored and deciphered an ancient literary monument of North-Eastern Ancient Rus — inscriptions about the murder of Prince Andrey Bogolyubsky written in 1175–1176 on a wall of the cathedral in Pereslavl-Zalessky. The study was published in Slověne = Словѣне. International Journal of Slavic Studies.

Illustration for news: Twelve Trends Among Contemporary Russian Women

Twelve Trends Among Contemporary Russian Women

Every year, HSE University carries out dozens of studies on women’s lifestyles, behaviours, and changes in family, social, and economic status in Russia. IQ.HSE editors have selected the most essential trends revealed by these studies about Russian women today.

Illustration for news: Researchers Find a Connection Between Trump’s Tweets and the Exchange Rate of the Rouble

Researchers Find a Connection Between Trump’s Tweets and the Exchange Rate of the Rouble

Tweets about Russia by Donald Trump during his presidency caused short but noticeable depreciations of the rouble. Meanwhile, the introduction of new sanctions, upon which the president did not comment, had no such effect. This was the finding of a group of researchers, which included Elena Fedorova, Professor of the Faculty of Economic Sciences of HSE University. The group published their findings in in the Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization.

Illustration for news: Online Platforms Prove to Be Effective in Helping People in Russia Who Use Drugs

Online Platforms Prove to Be Effective in Helping People in Russia Who Use Drugs

The pandemic has increased opportunities to reduce harm resulting from drug use. Against the backdrop of quarantine measures in Russia, an increase in the active development of work through online platforms with people who use drugs has begun. The available results have already demonstrated their effectiveness.

Illustration for news: ‘Science and Art Coming Together is a Key Global Trend’

‘Science and Art Coming Together is a Key Global Trend’

HSE University held a round table devoted to science  documentaries. The participants discussed possible approaches to securing support for movie production and distribution, choosing topics of interest, and encouraging cinemas to show films about science.

Illustration for news: COVID-19 Denial Depends on a Population’s Trust in Social Institutions

COVID-19 Denial Depends on a Population’s Trust in Social Institutions

An international team of scholars studied how the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted Europeans’ stress levels and their trust in their national governments and the healthcare systems. They found that respondents were most stressed by the state of the national economy, and only after that, by the risk of catching COVID-19 and possibly being hospitalized. In Western Europe, people trust their governments more than in other EU countries. The results of the study were published in Royal Society Open Science.

Illustration for news: Neurotechnology: The Decline of Freedom or New Horizons for Human Development?

Neurotechnology: The Decline of Freedom or New Horizons for Human Development?

On March 18, HSE University will host the international Neurotechnology & Freedom Conference, which will be held online. In an exchange with HSE News Service, Vasily Klucharev, director of the Institute for Cognitive Neuroscience and tenured professor at HSE University, discussed what views on the compatibility of these two concepts exist in modern science and art.