Victory in Life and in Games: GameDevFest Held at HSE
The second GameDevFest, a festival for computer game developers organised by the HSE Faculty of Computer Science (FCS), took place at the Pokrovka campus. Student developers showcased demo versions of their games, while guests and organisers discussed the state of the industry, opportunities for gamification, and game development education.

HSE Continues Admission for International Applicants
The number of applications has nearly doubled: as of today, more than 2,600 applications have been submitted for undergraduate programmes, and more than 2,400 for master's programmes. This increased interest from international applicants in studying at HSE confirms the university's status as one of the most sought-after Russian universities abroad.

‘A Sociologist Is a Curious, Searching and Courageous Person’
One of the oldest programmes at HSE University-St Petersburg is the English-taught Bachelor's programme 'Sociology and Social Informatics'. It has existed for more than ten years, and over this time, the programme has helped many students gain interdisciplinary skills and find their own unique career paths. In this article, Academic Supervisor Anna Nemirovskaya explains how the programme has adapted to modern realities, what sociology truly is, and how one can implement a sociological education.

Architecture, Computer Games, Chemistry of New Materials: HSE Launches New Educational Programmes
This year, HSE University will open admission to ten new bachelor's programmes. Three of them—Architecture, Game and Digital Product Development, and Chemistry of New Materials—have recently been approved by HSE University's Academic Council. Here, we provide more details on these programmes.

HSE University's Academic Council Approves Six New Educational Programmes
These include two undergraduate programmes—Business Administration at HSE University in Perm and Computer Game Programming and Engineering at HSE University in St Petersburg. The other four programmes are Master's programmes: Digital Marketing in Nizhny Novgorod, Economics and Business Consulting in St Petersburg, Artificial Intelligence Technologies in Telecommunications, and Theatre and Performing Arts Producer in Moscow. These training programmes will be launched in the next academic year.

An Unforgettable Year: What International Students of HSE University-St Petersburg Experience Outside of Studies
Each year, hundreds of students from all over the world decide to pursue knowledge at HSE University- St Petersburg. This journey is filled with excitement, hopes, and discoveries: from choosing a programme, submitting documents, attending interviews, and passing entrance exams to receiving that coveted acceptance letter and finally arriving in Russia.

A Dance Studio as a ‘Power Place’ for an International Student in Moscow
Liu Minglin, 22, from China, chose to study at ICEF in Moscow for two reasons: his Russian friends’ recommendations and the contents of the programme curriculum on the website. Now in his final year of the International Bachelor’s Programme in Economics and Finance at ICEF, Liu Minglin shares his impressions of living in Russia and studying at HSE University.

Languages in Digital Environment and Music Production: New Programmes at HSE University
The Academic Council of HSE University has established three new educational programmes. For the first time, in 2025, HSE University in St. Petersburg will enrol students in the Bachelor's programme in ‘Texts, Languages, and Digital Tools‘ and the Master's programme in ‘Applied Linguistics: Foreign Language Teaching and Translation in the Digital Environment,’ and at HSE University in Moscow—in the Master's programme ‘Producer in the Music Industry.’

Ancient Egyptians Were Less Afraid of Death Than Commonly Believed
Ekaterina Alexandrova, Academic Supervisor of the Egyptology programme at HSE University, has studied the funerary practices of ancient Egyptians based on religious texts and the works of Egyptologists from the 19th, 20th, and 21st centuries. Traditionally, it was believed that Egyptian religion was built solely on the fear of death. However, an analysis of texts reveals that ancient Egyptian beliefs were not merely reflections of a fear of death, but a complex system aimed at preserving order and stability both in life and the afterlife. The study has been published in the journal Shagi/Steps.

‘You Should Study Mathematics, Combinatorics, and Catalan Numbers instead of Playing Computer Games’
In early November, the final of the MTS True Tech Champ—which brought together more than 12,500 schoolchildren, students, and young programmers—took place. Alexander Babin, student of the HSE Faculty of Computer Science, was named the winner of the ‘Algorithmic Programming’ track.