HSE Takes Part in St. Petersburg’s VK FEST

HSE has prepared an event for visitors of different ages. Children will have access to HSE Lab, where they’ll be able to attend talks about the professions of the future and different types of 3-D printers, and classes on how to build simple electronic devices, transformers and artworks from a variety of everyday materials. There will be a contest and those that the jury select as the winners will receive prizes.
Children and their parents will also be able to take part in an HSE Lab research quest, during which they will discover a host of interesting facts – presented as a game they will be easy to remember.
The round table on the theme Education of the Future, to be held in the Lecture zone, will host heated discussions. People today have a number of opportunities to educate themselves – without leaving their houses they can get to know the treasures held in the world’s museums, listen to lectures on a variety of themes, and study foreign languages.
Despite this it is best to gain the education needed to build a career at university. That is why the discussions will touch on themes such as tasks facing traditional universities in this era of easy-to-access knowledge, the opportunities that future education promises to open up, and issues of whether there is such a thing as too much knowledge.
Director of the Department for Educational Programmes at the HSE Institute of Education Alexander Sidorkin will speak during the round table. His talk on the subject of Education in Society with Low Employment, will focus on issues of technological unemployment, predicted by economists, and mass education which will fundamentally re-conceptualize its goals, processes, and contents.