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Illustration for news: Service Learning, Cybersport, and Worldview: HSE University at the World Youth Festival

Service Learning, Cybersport, and Worldview: HSE University at the World Youth Festival

The World Youth Festival held in the Sirius Federal Territory closed on March 6. A substantial team from HSE University was actively involved in the event. Here are some of the key projects and discussions at the WYF involving participants from HSE University.

Illustration for news: Social Constructor: Yaroslav Kuzminov on Regulating the Platform Economy

Social Constructor: Yaroslav Kuzminov on Regulating the Platform Economy

Yaroslav Kuzminov, HSE Academic Supervisor, in a column for Forbes Russia magazine analyses the development of the platform economy and the different approaches to its regulation, including the extension of the system of social guarantees to this sector.

Illustration for news: ‘The Problems Are the Same Everywhere. If You Want to Bring Changes, You Have to Do It Collectively’

‘The Problems Are the Same Everywhere. If You Want to Bring Changes, You Have to Do It Collectively’

Kafayat Ali, from the city of Depalpur in Pakistan, is a graduate of Lahore Leads University and a current student of the HSE Preparatory Year programme. In September, he will begin his studies on the Master’s in Critical Media Studies at HSE University-Moscow. In this interview, Kafayat explains how he helps others discover HSE University, how the Prep Year programme prepares students for their time in Russia, and why studying a country’s social issues can help people all over the world.

Illustration for news: Student for a Day: HSE University Holds Open House

Student for a Day: HSE University Holds Open House

A university-wide open day for undergraduate and specialist applicants took place at HSE building on Pokrovsky Bulvar on March 3. In one day, applicants and their parents got acquainted with HSE University campuses, faculties, degree programmes and pre-university projects. Faculty and staff, as well as HSE students, spoke about the admission process, studies, and the prospects for university graduates.

Illustration for news: BRICS Antimonopoly Authorities to Join Forces in Regulating Grain Markets

BRICS Antimonopoly Authorities to Join Forces in Regulating Grain Markets

More than 70% to 80% of the calories we consume are derived from grain products. However, the global grain market today is dominated by a small group of traders. The HSE International BRICS Competition Law and Policy Centre has proposed establishing an intergovernmental BRICS platform on fair competition to serve as a new mechanism for coordinating the efforts of antimonopoly authorities in regulating global markets. This topic was discussed at an international seminar in Cairo.

Illustration for news: CIBA 2024: Meeting of Art and Business at the New Stage of Alexandrinsky Theatre

CIBA 2024: Meeting of Art and Business at the New Stage of Alexandrinsky Theatre

On March 17, the New Stage of Alexandrinsky Theatre will hold CIBA—the conference about creative industries—for the fourth time. It is a joint project of HSE University-St Petersburg students and the New Stage. The central topic of this year is immersion in the nature of creativity and creative crises. Entry to the event is free but registration is required.

Illustration for news: 'I Aspire to Win the Nobel Prize. It Is a Goal, Not Just a Dream'

'I Aspire to Win the Nobel Prize. It Is a Goal, Not Just a Dream'

In the 9th grade, Arslan Galiullin stopped copying other students' physics homework and became fascinated by science, eventually making it his career. In this interview with the HSE Young Scientists project, he speaks about topological insulators, the potential future transition from electronics to spintronics, and his goal of winning the Nobel Prize.

Illustration for news: New Academic Council to Be Formed at HSE University in March

New Academic Council to Be Formed at HSE University in March

On February 28, 2024, HSE University's Academic Council held the final meeting with its current members: their term of office is expiring. On March 19, HSE University will host a conference for its employees and students, at which elections will take place, and, by the end of the month, a new composition of the Academic Council will be formed for a five-year term.

Illustration for news: 'We Are Fanatics, in a Good Sense': A Graduate from HSE University Shares her Consulting Journey

'We Are Fanatics, in a Good Sense': A Graduate from HSE University Shares her Consulting Journey

Anastasia Kalugina, a graduate of the HSE Faculty of Economic Sciences, now serves as the Director of the Digital Finance Group at Kept. With over eight years of consulting experience, having progressed from a consultant to a director role, Anastasia shares her journey and insights at a meeting withHSE Alumni. Discover how the demands for hard and soft skills may evolve as your career progresses, learn strategies to prevent burnout, and explore whether it's true that consulting always entails overwork in this feature from HSE News Service.

Illustration for news: ‘Bots Are Simply Imitators, not Artists’: How to Distinguish Artificial Intellect from a Real Author

‘Bots Are Simply Imitators, not Artists’: How to Distinguish Artificial Intellect from a Real Author

Today, text bots like ChatGPT are doing many tasks that were originally human work. In our place, they can rewrite ‘War and Peace’ in a Shakespearean style, write a thesis on Ancient Mesopotamia, or create a Valentine’s Day card. But is there any way to identify an AI-generated text and distinguish it from works done by a human being? Can we catch out a robot? The Deputy Head of the HSE School of Data Analysis and Artificial Intelligence, Professor of the HSE Faculty of Computer Science Vasilii Gromov explained the answer in his lecture ‘Catch out a Bot, or the Large-Scale Structure of Natural Intelligence’ for Znanie intellectual society.