The Majority of Russians Do Not Support Microchip Implants
The majority of Russians would not agree to being fitted with microchip implants for any purposes—medical or otherwise. A joint study conducted by HSE University’s International Laboratory for Applied Network Research and Aventica found that respondents believe the risks of personal data leaks and misuse to be too high.
International Admissions 2022 Now Open
International students are welcome to submit their applications to HSE University via the convenient online application platform. Personal consultations with the Admissions Office are available to help applicants make the right choice and prepare all the necessary documents. There is a wide range of degree programmes to choose from, including English and Russian-taught programmes as well as online and in-person degree options offered by all four HSE University campuses.

Young Russians Feel ‘Phubbed’ by Friends and Family
Researchers from HSE University, Saint Petersburg State University, Moscow Engineering Physics Institute (MEPhI), and Kostroma State University have analyzed data on internet addiction and ‘phubbing’ behaviour from the past decade. They found that more and more people are suffering from smartphone addiction. At the same time, situations in which communication is split into real and virtual formats are becoming part of everyday life, which is bad for our relationships. Although phubbing was found to be the new normal among young people, the respondents often feel like victims of phubbing and its negative consequences. The results are published in Monitoring of Public Opinion: Economic and Social Changes.

‘We Can Now Say That the Finance Conference Is Global’
The 10th International Moscow Finance Conference, organized by HSE ICEF, took place on October 29–30 online. Vladimir Sokolov, Head of the International Laboratory of Financial Economics, which hosted the conference, talks about the participants, the key presentation topics and how they will impact the global economy.

HSE University Appears in Twice as Many Top 100 Subject Rankings as Last Year
The publication of the latest Times Higher Education subject rankings in the Arts and Humanities concludes the annual cycle of the three main ranking agencies: THE, QS, and ARWU. Since last year, HSE University has managed to double the number of top 100 subject rankings it appears in, growing from 6 to 12.

HSE University Scholars Study Green Transition Risks and Greenhouse Gas Emission Regulation
The UN Climate Change Conference is taking place from October 31 to November 12 in Glasgow. The conference focuses on preventive measures against the catastrophic and irreversible consequences of rising average global air temperatures. Igor Makarov, Head of the HSE Laboratory for Economics of Climate Change, will be taking part in the Glasgow conference. In the following interview, he speaks about the pressing problems Russia and the world are facing, and the research HSE scholars are doing on climate change.

Researchers Begin to Understand Correlation of Schumann Resonances and Dust Storms on Mars
The interaction of dust particles in Martian dust storms may cause electric fields that are powerful enough to have charges that induce standing electromagnetic waves known as Sсhumann resonances. This is the conclusion drawn by physicists from HSE University, the Space Research Institute, and MIPT. The paper was published in Icarus journal.

Applications to Speak at eSTARS 2021 Conference Accepted Until November 15
HSE University and Coursera are bringing together the world’s leading researchers, professionals, education and technology leaders, and business community representatives for the fourth international research conference eLearning Stakeholders and Researchers Summit 2021 (eSTARS). This topic of this year’s summit, which will run from December 1–2, 2021,is ‘Digital Transformation: Global Challenges to the Education System’.

Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation Announces Winners of Two Innovation Competitions
The winners of the KIVO Education Innovation Competition and the Innovator’s Voice all-Russia contest of youth social and educational innovations have been announced. Both competitions were organized by HSE University: KIVO 2021 in partnership with the Rybakov Foundation with support from the Agency for Strategic Initiatives, and Innovator’s Voice with support from the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs.

Out of the Ivory Tower: From Academic Economics to Policymaking
What issues can modern economics help address? How can economists shape government policies? What languages should an economist speak? These are some of the questions Professor Alain Paquet of the University of Quebec at Montreal will talk about at the upcoming meeting of the Discussion Club on Modern Economic Policy hosted by HSE University’s Faculty of Economic Science on November 11. The News Service has talked to Professor Paquet ahead of the lecture.